
How to Recognize Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

How to Recognize Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

As we age, our bodies go through many changes. That includes our brains. Reflexes tend to slow, and we may not remember or process things as quickly as we once did. Memory issues are part of the aging process, but drastic changes can indicate something more significant. This June, our Southview Senior Communities want to recognize Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month with tips and information to help spread the word and encourage others …

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Senior Health and Wellness: Spring Health Tips for 2024

Senior Health and Wellness: Spring Health Tips for 2024

Spring is the season of new beginnings, and the warm weather brings new opportunities for senior health and wellness. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and time outdoors all contribute to our health in meaningful ways, and we’ve gathered some tips to help you improve in all three categories. Join us as we explore these fun spring health tips for seniors. Exercise Every Week Physical activity strengthens our bodies and supports mental and emotional …

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Spring-Cleaning Tips for Seniors: Strategies for a Cleaner, Less Cluttered Home

Spring-Cleaning Tips for Seniors: Strategies for a Cleaner, Less Cluttered Home

Spring has sprung, and many of us have the itch to start cleaning and organizing our living spaces. We’ve been living with clutter all winter, and it’s time to do something about it! But for many seniors, tackling a messy house or apartment alone can be daunting. With so much to do, it’s difficult to know where to start. But don’t worry, the Southview Senior Communities team has your back. In today’s blog, …

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